Wednesday, November 21, 2018


We received Lincoln's diagnosis today - high risk Neuroblastoma (high-risk because the cancer has spread to more than one location over the body).

Chemotherapy will start tonight and he'll received treatment for 5 days (once every 24 hours). It is still sounding like we will be here for another three weeks to monitor him and hopefully get the chest tube out.  If the entire treatment plan runs on "schedule" shall we say, it will take 18 months to 2.5 years. Lincoln isn't even 2.5 yet.

We have elected to participate in a clinical trial. Depending on what path Lincoln is assigned, he may receive additional treatment that is believed to help but not yet FDA approved.

I thought really hard about placing him in a study, I don't want him to be treated like an experiment and while to some folks he'll be a number or statistic, I am convinced that the doctors who are treating him at Hopkins, see him as my beautiful boy.

This morning, he was trying to run around the floor (my mother had to literally hold him back), pushing the fisher price toy car into the wall, Ellie, and my mom when they'd let him. My sister snapped the photo above, he squeezed me and said "I'm saving you mommy". It's incredible how something that was once our normal can just break you.

Thank you again for the support. I don't imagine we'll have an update in the near future, now it's just following the treatment plan. I'm sure Michael or myself will update when we feel like one is needed.

- Megan


  1. My prayers are with all of you. Please give Lincoln a kiss from Jojo

  2. Megan my prayers are with Lincoln and your entire family. I'm so sorry you are going through this. I'm praying for you and wisdom for every decision you'll need to make and for the perfect restoration of Lincoln's body. Today I'm thankful for medicine and technology. Thank you for updating.

  3. So glad that you have such good medical support and that they have a diagnosis and can move forward with getting Lincoln through this. All your distant relatives here in Minnesota are praying for Lincoln, keeping him close in our hearts. We also pray for strength for you, Megan and Michael and all the extended families. Love to you all.

  4. Thank you for keeping us updated. Praying for you guys and Lincoln as well. Hugs.
