Sunday, February 3, 2019

Cycle 4

Lincoln completed cycle 4 this past week. This cycle was delayed by 5 days because his ANC count (how well his body is recovering) was too low. Overall he did really well, we were in and out in three days.
Playing with kinetic sand and dinosaurs
On Friday he had a CT scan. The initial reports are that his tumor has reduced in size significantly which of course we were happy to hear. He needs to get an additional scan because there is some concern regarding his lungs. I'm hoping to get those scans ASAP and that we get good news from them.

His surgery is scheduled for February 25th. The plan is to go to Dr. LaQuaglia at Sloan (in NYC). We will drive up on February 18th for a clinic appointment on February 19th, then make the trip back up for a long stay on February 24th. We will be staying at the Ronald McDonald House by the hospital. 

I can't end this post without mentioning Colin. On the day we were leaving the hospital, I was learning of Colin's passing. As I was taking my baby home, another dear family was leaving without theirs. I grew up with Colin's aunt and had the pleasure of meeting his mother one of the first nights we were in the hospital, she shared with me how to find support and has given me advice regarding Lincoln's treatment. Lincoln spent hours playing with Colin's older sisters in the play room. This world lost a beautiful boy who fought his whole life. I am so grateful Colin shared his sisters with Lincoln and heartbroken that they will never get to play with Colin again. 

Thanks to all those who are thinking, praying and loving on us.




  1. Our family is praying for your family

  2. Im so sorry to hear about Collin. It breaks my heart. Praying for his family. I am rooting for Lincoln and you all are constantly in my thoughts and prayers. Thanks for sharing his progress. Looking to hear more good news. He's such a trooper! 😊
