Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Pathology Report

I got a call from Dr. Bagatell today. The pathology on Lincoln's tumor came back and the report said it was all dead or scar tissue! The chemo is doing its job and killing all the cancer buggies in Lincoln. We knew the tumor was reacting by the massive reduction in size but getting the pathology back that it's dead was so exciting!

Lincoln still has a long road ahead of him which is preventing me from really breathing a sigh of relief but this is great news and I am so thankful.

As of now it looks like Lincoln will be moving forward with his final cycle of chemo on Monday (he still has tandem stem cell transplants, radiation and immunotherapy). Until then we are enjoying time together at home.



  1. I am so happy to hear this news! I have my entire staff praying for him every week. Both Lincoln and the two of you are real-life superheroes! 💙

  2. Praise God! Celebrate each victory! I will keep praying for Lincoln and you both.

  3. Thank You God! So happy to hear this news!! God Bless You All

  4. This is such great news!! so happy to hear. May you, Lincoln, Michael, Jeremy and the entire family continue to stay strong.
