According to Dr. Chen Lincoln's organs look great, they're in "tip top shape" (yes, I wrote that down in my notes). Lincoln does have high blood pressure due to all the stress his poor body is under. This can be attributed to the cancer as well as the treatment. The expectation is that when his body is under less stress we'll be able to see his blood pressure decrease as well.
So, with these great results, we have been cleared to start the first stem cell transplant. Lincoln will go inpatient on Tuesday, April 2nd. He will receive 6 days of high dose chemotherapy, have a rest day, then receive his stem cells. He'll get the drug Thiotepa days -7 through -5 and Cyclophosamide days -5 through -2 (Stem cell transplants count down until day 0 when Lincoln will get his stem cells then the days count back up). We anticipate being inpatient for three to four weeks.
We have one more weekend until inpatient and we'll be sure to make it count, lots of playing, eating yummy foods and enjoying each other's company.
Thanks for all the support coming our way, the encouragement and love helps so much.