It's wild to think that it has been three weeks since this whole ordeal began. It is something that I never would have imagined and one of those things you think could never happen to you. But it does and it did. Megan and I are living out the worst fear of every parent. It's real.
I haven't written anything out on the blog yet up until this point, so I figured it would be good to share what was going on in my head during our journey thus far. Megan and I have each had different battles to fight along the way with this - it takes a village and we are all doing our parts.
After getting the news that Lincoln was sick and learning that we would be at the hospital for a while, Meg and I both decided we would stay, the three of us, every night. We each only ever took one night during that time to not be at the hospital and, though it was a tight squeeze for the three of us, I am so glad that we both could be there for our son.
The hardest part of it all wasn't the nights, however. Not for me at least. The most difficult part was the days. Megan and I both work and, while Megan was fortunate enough to have time and FMLA on her belt with her work, I just started my new job back in September and wasn't even close to being so fortunate on that end. I had to get back to work - not only for the money aspect, but for the sake that I hold the insurance for Lincoln, and he needs it now more than ever - I couldn't risk losing it.
Going back to work was the hardest thing I have had to do. Walking away form my son that first time was painful. It broke me. I hated not being there and texted Megan every chance I could for updates. But I also realized just how amazing my company and prior company could be through all of this. My work (TekSystems) reassured me that with everything going on, that I need to put family first and that I could do what I needed to for my son. They forgave my time off. They let me know that my job was secure and that it was going to be ok. I needed to hear that in order to lift that burden. On top of that, my old employer (Johns Hopkins University CTL) visited Lincoln multiple times (as they are only a few blocks away from the hospital) bringing him toys, different styles of support for Meg and I, and making sure we knew they were always there for us. I can't explain how grateful I am for the companies I have worked for and work for currently, who have been more kind than they ever needed to be to an employee. It made such a difference.
Lincoln and I leaving 11S for the first time in 3 weeks |
With all of this being said, I also want to make sure to thank everyone who supported us in one way or another. Whether it be through prayers, well wishes, texts, calls, donations, or even wearing a ribbon or bracelet for people to see - I can't tell you all how blessed the three of us really are to have you all here. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
In Too Deep wearing yellow ribbons to support Lincoln at their SoundStage show last weekend |
You all know the medical aspects of our journey, so I won't go into all that in this post. Megan did a fantastic job at sharing everything we are comfortable with sharing.
The last thing to touch on, I suppose, is where we are now. Lincoln is home! It felt like it would never actually happen, but it did and I couldn't be more happy about it. Knowing my boy is going to be healing in his own bed, with his own toys, in his own's such a relief. We have decided that Lincoln is going to spend this time at home at his mothers house in Severna Park as opposed to mine in Pasadena. This decision is based on the fact that the geographic location is much better (closer to her parents who are only up the street, as well as only 5 mins from Megans work so she could get there at the drop of a hat), that there is more than just one person living there (extra hands in the situation are nice to have, so having a house with more people who are deep into the situation is a blessing), and that we are able to maintain a level of seriously deep cleanliness for Lincoln while he undergoes further treatments and his immune system is compromised. Fortunately, Megan and I have worked out space for me to stay there at that home while Lincoln undergoes treatment and is staying solely at that house (until the time comes where he can easily go to both again).
We have a long journey ahead of us, but I am confident that with the love from his parents, the care from his family, and the continued support of his friends and community, our boy will champion this disease and make it through. He's our little Superman.
Lincoln, Megan, and I busting out of Hopkins, finally! |