So Lincoln has been out of the hospital now for a few weeks and seems to be happy to be back home again. He is still going back to the hospital a few times p/week for clinic, checkups, dressing changes, etc.
Lincoln is getting outside a little more, which is also been a relief. We have to keep in mind things like construction, lawn care being done, animals being walked, etc., but being able to be outside on the nice days have been really great. With that being said, we still need to be careful with visitors and sanitation and are taking every precaution to make sure that the environment he is in is as safe as it can be, seeing as how his immune system is still low.
Lincoln and Pete out on an adventure |
Lincoln is scheduled to go back into Hopkins for his second Stem Cell Transplant on May 23rd (Day -7). Just like last time, we will be counting down (up?) to Day 0, when he will get the Transplant, then recover from there. I know last time we were there until Day +13, so I am hoping we can be there for that short again this time, especially because Lincoln has a big day coming up...
His 3rd birthday!!!
On June 19th, our little dude turns 3 and, while we have things in place if he is going to still in the hospital, and while we know that even if he isn't in the hospital, he may not being feeling too well or up to full "play" capacity, it would be nice to be able to celebrate with him in the comfort of his own home.
I'll keep this blog post short, but as always, thank you to everyone who has supported Lincoln through everything so far and thank you for all the prayers you have given. The road ahead is still long and full of some scary and challenging things, but our little dude is kicking butt!
Thanks all,